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 Some stuff I wrote ;x

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Some stuff I wrote ;x  UTL8oxA PROFILERecruit
Real Name : Margelique n.n
Posts : 407
Some stuff I wrote ;x  UTL8oxA MAGICIAN
Magic: Duister,
Partner: Single as fuck.

Some stuff I wrote ;x  Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Some stuff I wrote ;x    Some stuff I wrote ;x  Icon_minitimewo jul 16 2014, 19:08



Hi there Stare

Best way to start a topic in like ever. Anyhow. Ik ben de afgelopen tijd bezig geweest met wat zooi te schrijven, los van ssa aangezien ik daar niet op kon vanwege internet en dergelijke en ik moest mijn inspiratie dus kwijt  AARGH Graag zou ik jullie mening willen, en weten of jullie meer willen lezen =D Heel stom gezegd hoef ik geen commentaar/tips over spelling of schrijffouten, of zinsopbouw cause i know it's not perfect maar dat is puur omdat ik het nog uit moet werken en dit gewoon is wat in mijn hoofd opkwam =D Het is allemaal in het engels, aangezien ik dat makkelijker vindt  Woot! I'd like to hear your opinion  <3 


My name is Alice, I'm sixteen years old and my story.. Well. It isn't like others. I hear voices. Voices who tell me to do things a normal person wouldn't do. Doctors said I'm crazy, that my brain isn't functioning well. But it does. Those voices, they're real. They scream, dying to get out. They're trapped inside me, and as long as they can't get out, they'll control me. They make me do horrible things. And because of that, I already transferred schools at least 20 times and moved to 20 different cities. Moved, tried to start again, a new life, new medicines. Between people who didn't knew me. But after a while, I even had to change my looks and name, because the government was searching for me. They needed to find the mass murder inside me. The mass murder wasn't me, it was one of the voices inside me. I couldn't help it. I had to do it, I had to kill those people. Or the voices would kill me. I often stay awake at night, listening carefully to what the voices ask and tell me. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. They want horrible things, or the best for me. I don't know what I have to do to get rid of them. But I can't think of that, because they hear me. They hear me thinking. They're everywhere, and follow every step I take. I'm never alone, and sometimes it really scares me. They wake me up in the middle of the night, screaming, demanding me to kill myself so they can rest. They died, but got trapped inside me. If I want to lose them, I need to kill myself. But I can't. I want to live, like a normal teenager. A normal sixteen year old girl. Not a mass murderer, who is being searched by the government. I only have one problem. The voices are getting stronger, and they're getting better in taking control. I can feel my own soul wash away, as theirs take control. I can barely breathe. If I won't kill myself, they'll do it. From the inside. I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to live a normal life, I'll always have to hide my secrets, and be the person everyone thinks I am. It's horrible, having secrets and not being able to open up about them to my own friends. I can't even take people home, afraid of the fact that the voices might start talking. The only thing I could possibly do, is take advantage of them. Taking control of them, being able to shut them up, or call them when needed. It would take long, but it's the best option. For my own, and other people's safety.

Dit is het begin zegmaar, en ik wil graag weten of jullie meer zouden willen lezen en of het het waard is om meer te schrijven  :smuch: 

~Margelique  Woot! 
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