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 Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya

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Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya UTL8oxA PROFILERecruit
Real Name : Steen
Posts : 25
Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya UTL8oxA MAGICIAN
Magic: Wood × Dark
Partner: I'm not against socializing, so long as it's not tiring.

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BerichtOnderwerp: Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya   Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya Icon_minitimezo jul 26 2015, 23:29


Full Name: Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya
Name in Kanji: 寛光 祥太郎 二宮
Pronunciation of their name: Hie-roo-mie-tsu Sjoo-taa-roo Nie-noo-mie-jaa
Meaning of their full name: Generous ray of Light, Auspacious, Second Shrine
Why did their parents name them this?:  They thought both the names Hiromitsu and Shotaro sounded nice. There was ulterior motive except for maybe names that showed off status.
Why did you, their creator name them this?: I love the name Hiro and Sho, but wanted it to sound somewhat posh, so I extended them somewhat.
Title(Mr./Mrs./Lord/Lady/Sir/): Mr. or Obocchama (young master)
Nickname(s): Hiro(-kun, -chan), Sho(-kun, -chan), Obocchama
Do they enjoy these/this nickname(s)? : Yes. He doesn’t particularly like his long names and prefers them shortened. As for the ‘young master’, he doesn’t really care for it.
History behind nickname(s) : Abbrevations and status.
Alias(es): Obocchama.
A character snapshot: Pretty, lazy-looking boy with pretty, green eyes.


Sex: Male.
Gender identity: Male… usually.
Race/species: Magical human.
Ethnicity: Gren
Realm/Universe: Kovomaka
Age: 16
How old they appear: 16
Mental age: Sometimes 7, sometimes 16, usually 72.
Orientation/Sexual preference: Pan- or Asexual.
Any history behind their sexual orientation? : He discovered at a young age that he was able to have feelings for women and men alike, but also transgender. The asexual part comes from the fact that he never felt like acting on his feelings.
Do they believe it's right? : He doesn’t care about gender whatsoever. Love is love.
Are they opposed for their sexual choice? : No. He embraces it when he’s not too lazy to do so.

Birth date: April 28th.
Birth place: A private hospital in his hometown on Gren.
Death date: November 11th, when he’s 99 years old.
Death place: In his warm bed in his house on Gren.

Height: 1.76m
Weight: 62kg
Are they overweight/underweight?: He’s just about right, though maybe a bit on the skinny side. When he moves bones become visible, but he is by no means unhealthy.
Blood type: AB+
Can they bleed?: He can. And when he does, he does so a lot because of a clotting disorder.  
What colour is their blood?: A dark red.

general appearance

Eye colour(s): Asparagus green, though they may sometimes appear blue.
Contacts?: No.
If not, why?: He has no need for them. And if he did, he’d find it to troublesome to put them in everyday.
Glasses?: He sometimes wears glasses to see far off things clearly. He usually doesn’t bother though.
Describe their glasses: Boring, black rimmed glasses.
Is this eye colour uncommon?: It’s neither common nor uncommon.
Are their eyes good?: They’re about average. He actually needs glasses to see things clearly that are far off. But he usually doesn’t bother even remembering to bring them.

Hair colour(s): Very dark brown, nearly black. It may appear lighter depending on the light.
Hair length: Ear-length.
Dyed?: No. All natural.
Hair style: Extremely unruly and messy hair, with bangs that reach just below his eyes. It’s somewhat curly towards the ends. There is one thick strand of hair between his eyes. It’s even worse when he just gets up.
Why?: No reason. He usually doesn’t pay much attention to his hair. Just enough to not make a fool of himself.
Is their hair healthy?: Yes, very much so.
How thick?: Quite thick, which makes it hard to tame.

Facial hair?: He has not yet began growing any.
Well kept?: If he had any he probably wouldn’t pay much attention to it.
Length: Bare.
Body hair?: Though not a lot, yes.
Where?: Legs.
Well kept?: He doesn’t care for his legs, but he shaves pretty much anything else.
Colour: Dark brown/black.

General facial structure: Kind of a roundish with some puff to his cheeks. There are no sharp edges.
Face shape: Round with a slight V-shape.
Describe their eyes: Somewhat drowsy eyes of average size.
Describe their nose: The tip is kind of tilted upwards.
Describe their lips: Soft and small.
Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): Normal human ears that are somewhat small without much of a lobe.

If something about their face is different than the norm of their realm, do they get grief/disapproval for it?: No. He gets some stares for his bored expression, but nothing too bad.
Wrinkles?: No, he’s too young and rarely worries.
Eyelashes?: Long and thick.
Eyebrows?: Thin and dark with a small arch towards the middle.

Body build: Slim and lean, without much muscle.
Body shape: Rectangle.
Posture: Sometimes slouched, sometimes straight.
Body abnormalities: None.
Describe how they walk: Relaxed. May somewhat drag his feet.
Skin color: White and kind of pale even then.
Scars: A few small ones scattered across his body, one long one on his right side.
How did they get these scars?: The small ones are usually from falling when he was younger. The long on is from an accident where one of his pets thought he was a threat.
Birthmarks: Not anything worth mentioning.
Tattoos: No.
Reasons behind tattoos: He thinks he could spend his time better doing something else than getting a tattoo.
Piercings: None.
Additional body mods(scarification, sub-dermal implants, etc.): None.

Right/left handed: Left handed.
Big hands/small hands: Average, though a bit on the small side.
Long fingered/short fingered hands?: Kind of short.
Are their nails taken care of?: Yes. They’re short and clean.

Describe their smile: He rarely ever smiles. If he does smile, it is genuine and radiant.
Do they take care of their teeth?: Yes. He brushes his teeth thrice a day.

Describe their voice: Neither high or low pitched. Relaxed and kind of bored sounding.
Describe an outfit they would wear: Very neutral fashion. Practicality and comfort is more important than style. A simple t-shirt, a comfortable zip up hoodie and a simple pair of jeans or shorts will do.
Why do they have this clothing preference?: Anything else would consume too much time.


Mental state: Normal and laidback. He does not allow himself stress or worries.
Mental disorder/ailment(s): None.

Physical state: Healthy overall.
Physical disorder/ailment(s): As mentioned before, he has a blood clotting disorder, better known as hemophilia. This means that if he is bleeding, the bleeding will continue for an extended amount of time. He also bruises quite easily.
How does this ailment effect their day to day life?: It usually doesn’t. He has to be a bit more careful, but nothing special.

Personality snapshot: Passive, calm and seemingly apathetic. He is quite intelligent and his deduction skills are very high. He tends to know a lot about a lot, ranging from important things to the smallest of trivia. He is very laidback and may come off as somewhat lazy because of this. Though he may seem apathetic, he shows genuine concern about others and, contrary to popular belief, does have feelings. He prioritizes energy conservation above all else, and won’t do anything he doesn’t deem necessary. He doesn’t talk a whole lot and seldomly shouts or gets angry, though he does appear to get irritated often. He rarely smiles and laughs even less frequent. He’s wise and clever and quite quick-witted. Despite his energy-conserving personality, he is capable of appreciating praise, and has shown to have a tendency of exerting more than what he would typically give when given positive feedback or compliments.
Most prominent personality trait: Passive
Best traits of their personality: Laidback
Worst traits of their personality: Seemingly apathetic.

Do they have a healthy self image(How they view themselves)?: He’s happy with who and how he is. Or he doesn’t really care.

First impression usually given: A lazy and bored boy without any interests whatsoever.
Are they logical thinkers?: Yes! Very much so.

Current faith(religion): Buddhism
Why this religion?: His grandparents were Buddhists and he learned about it from them. Buddhist don’t believe in a godlike person, but instead try to better themselves and try to be the best you can be following the teaches of Buddha.
Are they strong in it?: Average. He enjoys going to shrines and enjoys meditating.
Do they actively practice it?: Somewhat, yes. Every now and then he goes to shrines. He also frequently meditates.

Zodiac(Eastern): Rabbit
Zodiac(Western): Taurus
Do they follow a horoscope/related things?: No. He thinks it’s a waste of time. He’ll see what his future holds when it’s there.
What superstitions do they have?: To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck.

Personal quote and(or) motto: “I don't do anything I don't have to. What I have to do, I do quickly.”
Reasons behind this motto/quote: Since he’s laidback and somewhat lazy, these are words to live by.

Current dream in life: Living a relaxed and laidback life, without too much stress and without too much time wasted. Maybe write a book.
Why is this their dream?: It sounds like a good life.

Drugs they take/have taken/or do: Medication for his hemophilia to minimize the chance of an extensive bleeding.
What caused them to do drugs?: His disorder.
Are they dependent on a certain drug?: Not really, but helps prevending.
Is it prescribed to them?: Yes.
What is the purpose of the drugs they take?: The blood clots better.


Where they're from: He’s from a average sized town on Gren.
Current residence: Boys dormitory at Starshine Academy
Do they live at their current residence by will?: Yes


Hiromitsu was born on a sunny spring day. The pregnancy had been an easy one, without any complications, and the actual birth had gone by smoothly as well. His older sister by four years, Ruimitsu, had immediately taken to him. She thought him a toy doll, batteries included! Helping her mom dressing and washing the newborn, quickly became the new daily routine. Hiro was a quiet baby. He rarely cried and was extremely quick to sleep through the night, which was a relief to his parents, since Ruimitsu had been a handful. Hiro was very much loved by his family and the house staff alike.

Born to a rich family, Hiromitsu always had everything he needed. Plenty of clothes, delicious food, a plethora of toys and all the love. His parents made sure he and his sister did not become spoiled though, neither in objects nor attention and love. They were both raised to be quite normal, except maybe for the maids and nannies. But even they were not allowed to cater to every whim the siblings had. Both parents were quite adamant on free will and made sure their children would discover most things themselves, making sure they were able to make their own decisions. This ended up panning out for the best, since both Ruimitsu and Hiromitsu are quite broadminded and smart and usually know what’s best for them.

Hiromitsu was not only a good and sweet baby, but also a sweet toddler and a good child. He was always so very calm and rational. Hiro was about eight years old when his energy-conserving personality kicked in. A lot of people who didn’t know Hiro that well, would call the boy lazy. Those close to him knew it to be slightly different. They quickly learned that Hiro just wouldn’t do things that he did not deem necessary. Hiro being taught free will, his parents reluctantly accepted this quirk in their son. Ruimitsu, though, knew how to push her brothers buttons and was often able to make the boy get out and do stuff.

His calm and energy-conserving personality did not change when he was teenager. In fact, it became more resolute. Being born in an elemental family, all of them being able to use magic, Hiro went to Starshine Academy when he was twelve.


Marital status: Single.
Parents: Kaori & Yusuke Ninomiya
How did their parents meet?: Highschool
How is their relationship with their parents?: Pretty good. Not too bad.
Why?: His parents always gave him and his sister enough space, but were always there when needed.
Siblings: One older sister; Ruimitsu Ninomiya

What kind of romantic are they?: He’s not romantic at all, to be honest. He thinks it’s kind of usual and would rather have the other worry about such things.
What caused them to become this sort of romantic?: No particular reason. He just thinks preparing and actively doing romantic stuff is a waste of time.
What traits do they look for in a possible lover?: Kind, relaxed, must like animals
What traits do they avoid in a lover?: Clinginess, stress, boring

Have they lost their virginity?: No.
Do they care if not?: Not in particular.
Does sex matter to them?: He’s indifferent about it.
Why or why not?: Because there is more to a relationship than just sex.

up close and personal

Biggest fears: Spiders.
Biggest regrets: He doesn’t regret anything as of yet.
Largest weaknesses: He gets really motion sick whenever he’s in a moving vehicle.
Largest strengths: He thrives on compliments.

what are their...

Likes: Books, the newspaper, his bed, shallow roasted coffee, compliments
Dislikes: Moving vehicles, spiders, stress, troublesome situations

Passions: Reading and sleeping.
Reasons to keep going in life: If you’re dead, then you’re dead and that’s kind of useless.

Habits: When he’s deep in thought, he’ll play with his bangs.

Sleeping habits: Light sleeper. Will wake at the smallest of sounds.
Insomniac?: Not usually.

Element: Wood x Dark
Are these powers inherited generation to generation?: Yes
Animal form: Black wolflike creature.

Hobbies: Reading, napping, playing with Heimðallr, Iðunn & Víðarr, going for a stroll.
How do they spend their free time?: Reading the newspaper, drinking coffee, eating noodles, napping.
What about their non-free time?: Class and homework.

Social skills: They’re okay. He converses well and generally knows how to keep a conversation going.

What’s their favourite time of day?: Midnight.
Why?: It’s nice and quiet.
Least favourite time of day: Morning.
Why?: He doesn’t like to get up out of bed.

Favourite food?: Shallow roasted coffee & Udon.
Why is this their favourite food?: They taste like heaven.
Least favourite food: Mexican food.
Why is this their least favourite food?: Way too spicy.
Can they cook?: He’s not too bad at it.

What is their favourite colour?: Brown
Why is this their favourite colour?: It’s warm and quiet.
Least favourite color: Pink
Why is this their least favourite colour?: It’s too loud a colour.

Favourite animal: Sloth
Why?: They know how to live life correctly.
Least favourite animal: Bugs
Why?: He extremely afraid of most bugs, especially spiders.

First language: Kovomakaans
Second language: Norsk
Third?: Japanese (still learning)
Was there an urgent need to learn additional languages?: No

Pets: He has three wolflike creatures as pets; Heimðallr, Iðunn & Víðarr.

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Hiromitsu Shotaro Ninomiya

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